Welcome to our class blog!

On behalf of Miss Miller's 4th grade class at Christenson Elementary School, welcome to our blog! Here you can find out about what's going on in the classroom, upcoming events, highlights of the week, and so much more. If you have any questions or concerns about your child, the class, or the school in general, you can find my contact information as well as the school's. Take a look around!
~Miss Miller

Miss Miller's 4th Grade Class

Miss Miller's 4th Grade Class

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Reminder: Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up next week!

This is simply a reminder to all that the parent-teacher conferences will take place next week, Thursday, March 12, and Friday, March 13. Parents can sign up for a time on the schedule that is being sent home this week. This is a great opportunity to discuss how your child is doing in school--grades, behavior, and overall progress--as well as a chance to ask me any questions you may have. I appreciate this opportunity to get to know each of the parents of my students so please sign up as soon as you can! I look forward to meeting with you all.

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